Advanced Renamer 2.57

With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file names by adding, removing, replacing, changing case, or giving the file a used name based on known information about the file.

Advanced Renamer is freeware program for renaming multiple files or folders at once. It can use several different methods for calculating the new name including multimedia tools for sound & picture files.

This program is a great utility for organising digital pics for both professionals & beginners. The thumbnail mode lets you display thumbnails directly in the file list giving you maximum control of the renaming process.

What’s New in version 2.57:

* Undo functionality
* realtime preview
* MP3/ID3 renaming
* picture renaming with EXIF support
* Thumbnail view
* Supports both files & folders
* Several renaming methods
* Use multiple process at once

* EXIF Column Date Taken added
* Extra optional parameter for the tag do indicate the stepping. will produce the numbers 3, 5, 7, 9
* New way to force zero-padding in . will produce the numbes 0004, 0005, 0006
* When picture files are shown in the file info box & the picture is clicked, the picture is opened
* Added information dialog box when the batch has ended
* Option for hiding the “Need help getting started” button on startup
* Both & will now work
* Fixed: It was not possible to use the tag over once in the Add method

Download: download.Advanced Renamer.setup.exe
File Size: 900KB

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